quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Palavra do dia

treacherous   Audio Pronunciation   /ˈtrɛtʃərəs/   adjective
(traiçoeiro, desleal, enganoso, ilusório, falso, incerto, perigoso)
comparative and superlative formsmore treacherous; most treacherous
1 : not able to be trusted • a treacherous ally/enemy : showing that someone cannot be trusted • a treacherous act of betrayal •treacherous misdeeds
2 : very dangerous and difficult to deal with • sailing throughtreacherous waters • They were not prepared to hike over suchtreacherous terrain. • The snow made their hike all the moretreacherous. • Discussions about money can lead couples intotreacherous territory.

— treacherously adverb

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