sábado, 9 de junho de 2012

Palavra do dia

headline   Audio Pronunciation   /ˈhɛdˌlaɪn/   noun
(cabeçalho, título, manchete)
plural headlines
1 [count] : the title written in large letters over a story in a newspaper • The story of his arrest appeared beneath the headline"Caught!" • She only had time to scan the headlines before she had to rush out the door.
headlines [plural]the major news stories reported in newspapers, magazines, or television news programs • Surprising developments have kept the murder investigation in the headlinesfor several weeks. • He made/grabbed headlines [=became the subject of major news] with his recent antismoking campaign. • She has grabbed/hit/made the headlines by making public accusations of corruption within the government.• The murder investigation has been in the headlines for several weeks.

Learn about headline as a verb.

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