segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

Palavra do dia

noble   Audio Pronunciation   /ˈnoʊbəl/   adjective
(nobre, honroso)

comparative and superlative formsnobler; noblest also more noble; most noble
1 : having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.) • He was a man of noble character. • It was noble of her to come forward with this information. • a noble ideal/ambition/cause/purpose

always used before a noun : of, relating to, or belonging to the highest social class of, relating to, or belonging to the nobility • She married a man of noble [=aristocratic] birth/rank. • his nobleancestry • the noble class
3 : impressive in size or appearance • a noble cathedral
technical : not chemically affected by other substances (such as oxygen) • Platinum is a noble metal. • Helium is a noble gas.
 nobly /ˈnoʊbli/ adverb • He worked nobly in support of their efforts.

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