sábado, 23 de junho de 2012

Palavra do dia

path   Audio Pronunciation   /ˈpæθ, British ˈpɑ:θ/   noun [count]
(trilha, caminho)
plural paths /ˈpæðz, British ˈpɑ:ðz/
1 a : a track that is made by people or animals walking over the ground • We followed a winding path through the woods. • a steep mountain path • The path led down the hill.
1 b : a track that is specially made for people to walk or ride on • a bike path • a paved path
2 : the area in front of someone or something that is moving • The car skidded into the path of an oncoming truck. • The fire destroyed everything in its path. • The cars moved aside to clear a path for the ambulance. • He tried to leave but one of the guards blocked hispath.
3 : a way of living or proceeding that leads to something • the pathto peace/success • They are heading down a dangerous path that could lead to war. • Their older children all became doctors, but their youngest son chose/followed a different (career) path.

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